Please complete the following online application. Required fields are noted with an asterisk (*). Property Address*: Applicant*:-- Select one --Individual Property OwnerCorporate Property OwnerIndividual TenantCorporate Tenant Your Name*: Your Email*: Your Phone*: If you are submitting this application on behalf of the owner, please indicate your relationship to the owner: Company Name*: Your Name*: Your Title*: Your Email*: Your Phone*: If you are submitting this application on behalf of the owner, please indicate your relationship to the owner: Your Name*: Your Email*: Your Phone*: If you are submitting this application on behalf of the tenant, please indicate your relationship to the tenant: Tenant must also: (1) include with your application written approval from the landlord/owner of your plans and permission to submit this application; and (2) provide name and email of landlord/owner. A copy of this application and Design Review Board decision will be emailed to that person automatically. Landlord/Owner Name*: Landlord/Owner Email*: Company Name*: Your Name*: Your Title*: Your Email*: Your Phone*: If you are submitting this application on behalf of the tenant, please indicate your relationship to the tenant: Corporate tenants must also: (1) include with your application written approval from the landlord/owner of your plans and permission to submit this application; and (2) provide name and email of the responsible employee of the landlord/owner. A copy of this application and Design Review Board decision will be emailed to that person automatically. Employee's Name*: Employee's Email*: Representative Company Name*: Your Name*: Your Title*: Your Email*: Your Phone*: Representatives must also: (1) include with your application written approval from the owner/tenant of your plans and permission to submit this application; and (2) provide name and email of the owner/tenant (if individual) or name and email of the responsible employee of the owner/tenant (if corporate entity). A copy of this application and Design Review Board decision will be emailed to that person automatically. Owner/Tenant Name*: Owner/Tenant Email*: Type of project*:-- Select one --Residential Modifications/Updates/Replacements/Landscape Projects/New ConstructionOffice/Commercial/Industrial Properties By checking this box, I confirm I have reviewed this application or intentions with the property manager for my homeowners’ association. Before filing, you must share this application with, and seek feedback from, management of your homeowner association (HOA). The HOA's views are not controlling, and you have the right to proceed even if the HOA rejects or seeks modifications to this application. But we consider the HOA’s views as relevant neighborhood input, and you must copy the HOA management on this application. Please specifically describe here whether the HOA approves, rejects (if so, why), or seeks modification of this application (and, if the HOA has suggested modifications, what modifications and whether or not you have changed your application as a result). Applications that do not provide this input will be returned*: Provide the name of the HOA property manager with whom you spoke*: Provide the email address for the HOA property manager with whom you spoke*: Nature of the application*: (select one): Comprehensive (addresses ALL exterior modifications or improvements being proposed for the site)Partial (addresses one or more proposed improvements, and there will be a subsequent application(s) addressing other elements) Brief Project Description*: Attachments: Use the 'Browse' button below to upload plans, drawings, letter of approval from property owner (if applicable), and other information as required by the Design Review Board. You may upload as many as seven documents. Each document must be no more than 5M in size. Acceptable formats include png, jpg, gif, pdf, doc, and docx. Applicants whose files are larger than 5M or whose file formats are not listed should select from the two options below the 'Browse' button. If you are unable to attach files, please select from the following options: I agree to email plans and/or drawings to (this is preferred if you are unable to attach).I agree, if I am unable to attach or deliver via email, to deliver plans and/or drawings to RTCA, c/o SFMC, Inc., 9464 Innovation Drive, Manassas, VA 20110. Authorization: By clicking here you are confirming that this application is accurate to the best of your knowledge. The Design Review Board and staff are granted permission to enter the subject property to review the proposed project.