Please complete the following online application. Required fields are noted with an asterisk (*).

    Property Address*:


    Type of project*:

    Nature of the application*: (select one):

    Brief Project Description*:

    Use the 'Browse' button below to upload plans, drawings, letter of approval from property owner (if applicable), and other information as required by the Design Review Board. You may upload as many as seven documents. Each document must be no more than 5M in size. Acceptable formats include png, jpg, gif, pdf, doc, and docx. Applicants whose files are larger than 5M or whose file formats are not listed should select from the two options below the 'Browse' button.

    If you are unable to attach files, please select from the following options:
    I agree to email plans and/or drawings to (this is preferred if you are unable to attach).I agree, if I am unable to attach or deliver via email, to deliver plans and/or drawings to RTCA, c/o SFMC, Inc., 9464 Innovation Drive, Manassas, VA 20110.

    By clicking here you are confirming that this application is accurate to the best of your knowledge. The Design Review Board and staff are granted permission to enter the subject property to review the proposed project.